Cool Fact Monday
Spiritual Content Tuesday
Update Wednesday
Future Thursday
Ask Me Friday
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Back online, though the quality can not be guaranteed yet, it may start out as random ramblings until I get a system up again.

questions, comments, ridicule, arguments, ideas and love can all be sent to:

28 May 2010

Back in Business we go again. I'm back online and hopefully back in business. This past while back has been insane crazy with finding a job, working full time, school full time, side jobs, homework, sometimes church, friends, sleep and who knows what else. It's great to be back online. I have just started getting back into facebook this past week. I'm hoping I don't get addicted again like I was. As for my blog, well I wish to keep this going. I may turn it into a once a week posting and see how that goes. This is simply the introductory post and has no real substance. Next week will be my fanime post. Then we will go from there.

I would like to say this though......FINALS ARE OVER!!!!!! Although, from a book I am reading, it's not the destination, it's the journey". Which means that I should not sit around in class waiting for finals to come and be over, but I should enjoy each and every day I have the privileged to be in school. I enjoy school so hopefully that one shouldn't be too hard, especially since my next class is a "FICTION WORKSHOP" I am so excited.


Stacie S-H said...

yay, glad you are back!
good luck not getting addicted ;-)
nice that your finals are over!

Emily said...

You're back!!!!!!