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15 April 2009

To Work or Not to Work

So after the no work blues I found that I could do so much good with my time. I uncluttered my room (see Cluttered room = cluttered mind), I started blogging again or at least planning what needed to be blogged, I read all of my emails and cleared out the inbox, I donated a bunch of stuff to Deseret, I got caught up on the gospel blog I am a member of (it is a great place to talk to people about the gospel, feel uplifted and even share your problems with others who understand, if interested I can send the link, I may post it on my facebook anyways.) I cleared out some more applications on facebook and got my puppy to champion level 7 and raced my car to be number 3 among my speed racing friends, I got caught up on my online comic strip, I went to a few activities and planned my lesson for The Mission Preparation class I teach, I went to the Temple a couple times, I slept in but only a little and spent time with my brothers, AND I got hooked on a free online dungeons and dragons type game called Revelation.

Wow, even when not working I guess I still am working. I don't have to worry about retirement becoming boring or event less. Thats a good thing.

Then I got a phone call from a very good friend who is going through a hard time. She wanted to know if I wanted to spend a full day with her and her children at the zoo. It was great fun and she was able to relax on her birthday while I helped keep tabs on the kids. I felt good and she talked with me. She said that her last nanny was fired (for obvious and also reasons that can not be disclosed, for privacy and such), that meant there was a vacant job opening. She said that she really needed a friend to help out bla blah blah,,,,,,,etc......Suffice to say, I took the job.

When I prayed it felt right. At first I was only on temporary for a couple days, but one thing led to another. I have always had problem saying no. I still have that problem. After a few times watching the kids, it started feeling wrong. I couldn't figure it out, I tried quitting, I tried talking to her. I tried a lot of things. Each time I was talked into working and each time she said she would make it work out, no matter what.

So I took the job and still and pondering the work, or not to work?

(so this is an old post that I never finished but I am trying to finish all half baked projects I've started over the years. Now things are different, I no longer work there....see the blog post titled "plans")

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